Saturday, April 27, 2013

Boys and the Bunk Bed

Early this week my husband went behind my back and allowed the boys to start sleeping on the top bunk. I specifically asked that we buy another bedrail, that goes higher than the one built in. This is so that I feel better in knowing they would be safer. He tossed a coin in the air, told them to pick heads or tails, and the youngest child won! My stomach fell in fear...

~*Mommy Thoughts*~

I had the most horrible thoughts. I started to envision the child rolling from the twin-sized bed on top to the edge of the full sized bed below. I started to think what if they fell and broke their neck, or arm, or even a leg. Than I started to think about how it might be seen as child abuse/neglect and we loose our children because one slept on the top bunk.

So far things have been positive... Thank God! They've been taking turns each night on who gets the top bunk. And it has been nice to be able to say veiled threats like... "brush your teeth or you'll loose you turn". I still wake up different hours of the night, pushing them away from the edge, but I am sure things will get better as I let go of my sense of control. This is the hardest lesson (letting go of control, or what I perceive as control).

This morning I enjoyed watching them talk and swap candy. I took the remainder of the candy from the last holiday and put it in gallon-sized ziplocks. They would talk about which candy they liked and disliked for getting stuck in their teeth. I felt grateful to be able to eaves drop into a conversation that is a clear reminder they are becoming little people. The words they chose, how they sounded so grown up, and getting along like "best friends". I am thankful to be given the opportunity to witness and reflect.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Youngest Son Cooking

Last night our youngest son decided he was going to cook dinner. I love that he showed initiative. He was determined to show that he was fully capable of the task (and proved right, he's made other things in the past). I love that he is slowly growing into a fully capable child. It won't be long before he is doing his own laundry (been showing him, but much like cooking we're still over the top watching). He already folds, hangs up, and puts away his own clean clothes. He can even clean up after playing. He shows manners in public, respectful towards his brothers, and an all around great kid.

He's already fully competent in using the microwave. He knows to never have metal, microwave safe dishes, and even covers it with a paper towel. He is also aware about how long most things need to be timed for.

But, the whole reason I am posting this... "Tell me that isn't just absolutely adorable to see a little man, standing on a chair, and cooking"!!! ~*Cute*~

I am proud of all the milestones my children go through. Half the time I am not sure if I should be cheering as they grow into the people they are becoming or to cry that "mommy is loosing her baby". 

Dinner last night wasn't as palatable as it would have been if we'd made it. Everyone made sure to tell him they enjoyed it, to keep up his morale (and keep him practicing). I was most impressed by our seven year old doing as the rest of us, normally he is brutally honest. I think it served a higher purpose to give praise than judge. The only problem was that his noodles were slightly over cooked (still edible).

Friday, April 19, 2013


Every month a new class is chosen to decorate the boards at school (themed and a positive word to learn). This time it has to be a flower, made by all in the family, and the word is cooperation (hence us working together). I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together. It needed to be easy and all take some kind of part.


First I printed out coloring pages (only the youngest colored). I had the bright idea they could color sunflowers and add their picture/face to the center. That didn't seem to work out too well...


So, than I started to search for "paper flower crafts". I figured that it could either be cut out construction paper or 3d by using tissue paper. I found a few truly adorable sites, which I book marked just in case I need them next year. I think the school does this not just to showcase the childrens' work but to have families do things together (we have no problem in that area, as a family we do a lot).



We ended up using two sets of construction paper to form the flower. I figured it could be more like when I did the Hawaiian scrapbooking theme. I even used a green flower in front of a blue one for those photos.

Collaboration... Assistance... Teamwork... Support

Thanks for sharing in this experience with us... ~*Bless*~

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stink Bug

My children are currently holding a stinkbug hostage. The poor little creature had the misfortune of crawling into our home. It didn't take long for our children to run and get out the bug hunting gear. The biggest choice was which habitat this little guy would eventually endure.

Our family tries to take even the simplest of situations and turn them into a chance to learn. I found a cute little site that does just that... Pest World For Kids

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I know that most see these little guys as a pest. They eat our plants and have the audacity to be front and center flaunting it. With children (and neighborhood animals) I can't use a lot of poisons to eradicate them. There is the option of putting down orange peels like I had as a child to attract than get toss them somewhere else (time consuming). Than there is the option of setting out pans of beer and hoping they drown while neighborhood kids don't play with it. Luckily a neighbor gave me a small container of pellets, they are supposed to be safe around kids and pets, and they simply slither off to die after eating them.

In most situations we take it as an opportunity to teach our kids. My youngest has already had a lesson plan in class about the "recyclers". Lesson plans to do at home are also available in various places online (free). Such as ... Worm Composting.

Today the boys gained a new item for their bug-hunting arsenal. Tyler picked out a vacuum type toy and Anthony picked out a bug habitat (as well as an animal call device). The boys took money out of their savings accounts...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Caterpillar Guest

Our six-year-old friend noticed a small visitor as we walked up to the front door. The bright green spot on the concrete was just too much for him to resist. Don't worry, he didn't hurt the little guy. He used a piece from the pine tree to turn it over. The caterpillar would than twist its body to return to its feet. I eventually used the same dried branch to get it to allow me to place it in a bush.

We've had our share of Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies lately, even spotted one today. I would like to imagine that the new friend we met today would someday grow into something so beautiful.

I am just grateful for the opportunity the boys had to meet this little creature. We were able to talk about it, learn from it, and hopefully it'll grace us with a "flutter by". I just wish we had many more...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

~*Happy Birthday*~... April 7th, 2013

~*HAPPY BIRTHDAY*~... to "the baby" of our family. I still remember the day he entered our lives. Peering down at a little stranger, who has recently grown into being a child, and eventually will grow into an actual man. Having a child is a harsh reminder that no amount of being a mom will give me the ability to truly capture or hang onto his youth.

He's pleased with his new bike, he originally wanted the blue and white Tony Hawk bike but the seat is small and doesn't fit the portions of the actual bike (like an infant seat on a kid's bike). The bike we ended up buying matches his Angry Birds Piggy helmet (green). We bought and wrapped other themed gifts on top of the Spy Watch he insisted on having (same one his brother has).

Time seems fleeting as can only be described by a mother's aggravation... trying to hold onto and savor what will soon fall into the recesses of my memory. Being a parent is a gift; we're given the honor of sharing in and helping to raise them. If done right once they're adults we're given the blessing again with our grandchildren (minus the hard work and constant efforts, or diapers). I couldn't imagine sacrificing or giving up the opportunity to share in the lives of my children for many years to come.

NICE WORDS ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY BOY: He is still well above his class academically. While other students are still grasping the basics he's doing math workbooks, reading books marketed for Jr. High students, and comprehending things because he sees his older brothers and not classmates as competition. He has the most empathy I've seen in a child, loves to share or give, and I can see him being very successful later in life. Oh, and I love how he prefers to put his money into savings instead of squandering it away like most children his age. And his father or I couldn't imagine missing out on any part of his life!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Broken Tabeo Tablet

Well, this will be the third one our son has had since Christmas. The first Tabeo we opened didn't work, had to wait until the following day where it was traded in store for another. Now the part where the charger plugs in is loose, and it won't charge.

The bad thing is we called, and it seemed like the person handling the warrantee was playing games. We were told we'd get an email with all needed to ship back through UPS with in two hours. We waited 24 hours before calling back, to find out they somehow messed up the email. I don't see how, but I guess we all have an off day.

Now it has been boxed up, sent off, and hoping no more games... and most of all it doesn't magically disappear? I've been keeping records as best I can, print outs of the tracking as well. What I am told will happen is that they receive the item back, than in 7-10 days send us a certificate to get another in store. I don't like that the process takes so long.

We've already decided that future electronics will not be purchased at Toys R Us. It isn't so much the return policy, or the hassle it turned into, but they have come broken or break shortly after. We originally bought two Tabeo tablets, the one child is on his third, and our other child is on his second. I am the one that plugged it in to charge when needed so I can't even use that as an excuse for it breaking (I don't feel comfortable with a child plugging things in or playing with plugs). I can advise that if someone buys one... absolutely do not do it without the warrantee!!!