Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Peanut butter Cookies

My middle child wants to be a chef when he grows up (and a firefighter), so every chance he gets, he cooks something! This time he wanted to make peanut butter cookies. We chose a pre-packaged this time in order to save on time. Next time we'll make it fresh...
He enjoyed added the few ingredients together, using the handheld mixer, and a feeling of accomplishment.
I explained to him, that much like when we make Snickerdoodle cookies, you roll it in a ball in your hand... but instead of rolling it in cinnamon sugar he smashes them down with the tines of a fork.
The first batch that went through was a learning experience. The bigger ones were just fine but the smaller ones burned a little on the bottom. It didn't take long for him to get them all just perfect.

I was grateful for the bonding time with my son... and extremely thankful that he is ambitious, intellectual, and creative/imaginative. But, I love his sense of adventure in always trying new things without fear.

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