Sunday, December 9, 2012

This past week we first did a "Kids Shopping" with the boys school, they were each given $20, only spent about $10 each, and remainder was donated to the cause. Which I'd like to add was a good one. I know we'll get recycled gifts (I can tell 2 are VHS tapes and we don't own a VCR)... but the fact they did something nice for us is what is more important.
~*Double Score*~


Than, because the kids are more into doing charity this year their daddy told them about what Raley's is doing! If you donate $10, they match you, and $20 worth of groceries help feed families. &

Raley's also offers a bear you can buy for $9.99 (basically $10) and they'll than donate $5. We chose to stick to what would be about giving the most, and not about "getting something in return". I will add, this was a first for us... and I enjoy adding another thing that helps teach our children to think of others above themselves.
The downside to this specific experience is that it is less "hands on". Which means a lot more explaining on our part. We had to explain that what we give is doubled. Than that donation in turn will feed someone that is not as blessed as they are, without giving pity. Our biggest goal through it all is that our children will be less self absorbed, think and do for others, and be better members of their community (and society).

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