Wednesday, August 14, 2013


All links are at tope of blogs run... but...


We've had many amazing changes over the summer... after swim lessons both boys can now swim, Tyler is officially riding without training wheels, and many other moments not worth missing. I appreciate every milestone, the daily "I love you" before any of us leave the house (just in case), and all the future has to hold.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Police Hand Radio

It is a rare occasion that my amazing husband actually gets to have lunch out. Normally we make his lunch, give him a water (half frozen), and lots of love and kisses. He understands when I have an appointment, or situations like today. I literally had to wait for the side door to be fixed. Mostly, I enjoy the fact our children get to see how much their daddy loves them and the sacrifices he makes. On his breaks he'll keep in touch with them through the game (sending private messages or reminders).


Today the man in our life had "all you can eat pizza". Where he found a hand radio, that turns out belongs to the local police? He called the non-emergency line, said the name listed on the bottom, and waited for them to pick it up. I wish I could hold his same sentiment and adoration for our local law enforcement. He called me to only say (because it was left on) how interesting it was to hear the chatter over the line. He went into detail about how they messed up cross streets to a local business for a hit and run. He was mildly excited to hear the conversations and to actually hear insight to current things going on. He has the memory of an elephant!!!


I told him there are probably apps for him to actually listen in much like a CB radio... he has no interest, and made that clear. But, it was interesting in the moment to have knowledge others have yet to hear about. We had a small conversation about how those that actually track police lines and learn the codes... but obviously not a hobby either of us will be taking up in the future.


Bottom line is that he did yet another "act of kindness" (which I love about him)... he does what is right even when no one is watching!!! ~*Grateful*~

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~*Mmmm*~... Processed Dinner


~*Cute* dogs with spaghetti drawn through the middle. Kosher of course but I'm sure the butter to prevent the noodles from sticking wasn't the healthiest of ideas. I was lucky enough to find this on a site that has many other adorable things (I plan to do with our children as well).

The second thing added to the boys plate was more so adults can eat. It has the processed meat, celery, kidney beans, bell peppers, with fresh minced garlic and Cheyenne pepper over plain rice.

I wish I could say that I am frustrated by the fact that our boys have completely different tastes in food. The reality is, it is kind of nice to find ways to make them all happy! We still have nights when we are pressed for time and I have to make deals (such as eating a certain portion or at least the meat). No matter what is made one is always unhappy or dislikes it. Our Anthony loves spicy foods and spaghetti. Our Tyler loves his mushrooms, cream sauces, and cheese. Or how one child loves eggs and fish and the other would rather starve than eat them. The biggest thing I face is creating balance for both so they don't loose key nutrients (and why we add vitamins with dinner, multi, Omega, and Calcium).

Tonight isn't much different than most other nights... I only posted this because I have been so busy I've not had the time to sit down and actually share insight. So, before the world sees me as the annoying person to the table beside you, posting Facebook and Twitter pics of food we're about to consume... I just thought the idea with hot dogs and spaghetti strung through was endearing! I hope when my children are grown they take from memories like tonight. They are reminded of times mommy drove all over town (from store to store) to find a specific item they wanted... or how daddy sacrifices for them as well. But mostly that we have been trying to make sure they had a happy childhood (even if they came from quirky parents).
FYI: We rarely have much less cook hot dogs, so to find an innovative thing like this or the octopus hot dogs is kind of fun. Some day I plan to let them try bologna. I have found childhood memories of Frito chips (or peanut butter and bologna).

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Look in the Mirror

We snatched a few ideas and rolled them into one...
The mirror with post-it notes came from "Super Nanny", the hearts with their strengths in life came from a parenting book. I added pictures of the boys being brothers so they have a constant reminder of their bond in life!

We each have our own color of post-it notes to add to the mirror the boys look into. I want them to see themselves as they read the positive feed back! We're grateful for our boys!!! And we both make the sacrifices needed so they thrive through this life...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Catch Up

I have two of the most amazing children... sorry I haven't posted as much as I would like but we've been busy "living life" instead of just existing.
I guess I should play catch up?
Fourth of July was pretty low key... we hit Old Sacramento! We were accompanied by many others. It was kind of nice to watch the fire works reflect off the river, see those in boats gathered in, and even more crowded the docks.

We went to the State Fair, which was a huge let down this year. I can understand why the numbers were down (wasn't crowded and over heard another person state they went on a Friday and so dead they had no lines for rides). Most was based on Michael Jackson, and the rides from his actual collection. I wish I had saved the time and money and stayed home. On a positive note we did learn about "Fridgets"!

Our seven-year-old son has always been creative, not just highly intelligent. He's been making videos with his new tablet (got it this week, Tabeo proved to be junk and break down too much). Basically, he's addicted to Angry birds (yes, still), been watching Youtube videos others made with toys, and than making his own. I guess at some point he found Magisto through the app store and has in such a short time been making his own videos. He's writing scripts for his little brother to act out while he basically films. I guess I should just be thankful he's eating up the memory on his tablet and hasn't uploaded anything through my account (set up on his tablet). We've even watched his videos using the minions from Despicable Me 2 toys (with Psy music, Gangnam style).

The spraygrounds haven't been as appealing as years past. I have had to bribe them with slurpies just to get them outside. This year the boys are more interested in the pool. They prefer to use the water squirters and pool toys (they swim to bottom to retrieve). They would much more prefer creating a bunker in their bedroom to indulge in their tablets. They don't even have as much interest in their videogame systems or television. Considering the introduction to this year's summer vacation it is perfectly understandable.


I almost forgot... Despicable Me 2 was well worth the trip to the theatre!!! It is one we'll be snagging when it hits DVDs.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Book Sales

There is nothing I love more than driving by a store and seeing an upcoming sale. I love to watch even thrift store signs... "next Friday we'll be offering 25% off all merchandise". IT IS FOR THE BOOKS!!!

I adore seeing the signs on our local library about upcoming sales! Because there is nothing I love more than to stock up on as many books as I can get my hands on to expand the minds of my children. I would be in heaven if I had a continual flow of books for them to read. I love reading out loud to them, articulating my voice for the characters, but more so when their daddy reads to them. My husband and his boys have a personal thing involving the book, "Where the Sidewalk Ends".

Friends of the Library Book Store
440 Elkhorn Blvd., Ste 7, Rio Linda
Friday-Saturday, 1-6pm

I wish the library had added more opportunities over time to have more book sales. I've found over the years they've gone from every other month to every three months. Than you have to compete for books you'd like to read and for pleasure with those scanning to find books they can re-sale. I've this past year started to attend even less book sales just due to the fact it isn't worth being stepped on as they try and get to books faster than you can move out of their way. The last book sale I attended a woman holding a smart phone scanning books above my head literally stepped me on.

On a positive note... we keep our bookshelves stocked! I have found picking books up sporadically at places like Costco helps. And I love how Costco seems to be geared towards education like we are. If I can keep my children ahead of the curve, it is worth spending a few extra dollars.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June Showers?


Well, April was a dry month... "April Showers Bring May Flowers" wasn't told to Mother Nature! Here it is now the end of June and we finally have rain. Just enough it can't be seen as a sprinkle but not enough to be a real soaking rain. We're thankful nevertheless.


We teach our children to "dance in the rain". I even set up scrapbooking sets to prepare for "April Showers" only to be disappointed. April's rainfall was like going to the zoo to find all the animals are hiding in their enclosures. Let down!


I am grateful there is some rainfall now much like nature should be. Now the animals, plants, and lack of moisture might have a soft touch to a harsh summer ahead. I look forward to many trips to the spraygrounds and slurpee after!!!





The month of June is a cultural experience with Egypt

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Missing Tooth

I know this is late... by a few days. But, my youngest (my "Itty Bitty") lost a tooth. We did the traditional, tooth fairy. We're still trying to get used to the gap, and we laugh when he talks. These are the fleeting moments in time that will be remembered for year to come (as we look back at pictures).

I was talking to a woman today at the chicken park, she was there with her twin grandsons (2 year olds). She's been through all the stages with her own children and grandchildren. I teased how I can't wait for the days I am like her (grandmother with an active role) but hopefully not too soon. Her oldest grandchild is in their mid 20s. I just hope in my thinking ahead towards our futures I don't run past "living in the moment".

My "baby" getting older reminds me just how fast time goes by...

Chicken Park

In Fair Oaks there is a park where you can feed the chickens. We've been bringing the boys there since they were in diapers. A better description would be it is infested with chickens and roosters. They can be found walking around old town, in the park, and in most yards (of the houses). I keep chicken feed on hand, which isn't unusual because I keep peanuts in my vehicle for wild squirrels as well (Capitol Park, downtown). Chicken feed can be bought locally but I save by getting it at a feed store.
I adore this park, not for the chickens (they are an added bonus), but because the people it attracts. They are usually polite, talkative, and of a good quality. Plus, it adds to the memories of my children. It is kind of nice to be able to take a break from our redundant lives to something "out of the norm".

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

My boys couldn't wait this morning to give their father the "daddy's day" things they made before school let out. They were creative and innovative as usual. My husband enjoyed all the love and attention they poured over him. From simple writings of "you're an awesome dad" to pictures drawn. Our seven-year-old's teacher used their class pictures in the Father's Day project.

Once things started to settle down my boys reminded me about making cupcakes. Usually I try and make them look as cute as possible. This time I did the cooking portion, they made their own decorations, and it was truly "home made". They delighted in writing on printer paper... cutting them out... and taping them to toothpicks to add to the top of their cupcakes.

Both boys than went on to draw "Robot & Monster" puppets on printer paper. They spent a good portion of the day practicing and doing story lines. They wanted to do something extra special for their "daddy". And I have to admit that he is an amazing father to his children!

Even though a father might not carry a child for nine months or give birth they have pivotal roles in a child's life! Men are the ones that teach their daughters to have enough respect for themselves to raise the bar in the dating world. They teach their sons how to treat women, have goals and thrive, and be respectful (how to properly behave). Fathers teach their children by how they treat their mother, what behaviors they allow, and many more aspects than they are given credit for. I for one am absolutely grateful that my husband plays an active role in our children's daily lives. I could never imagine a day without him! I appreciate my husband's sacrifices for his boys. Today means more to me than Mother's Day (I am not so selfish to think I do it all myself or don't need him, they are his children too).


Free Classes/Functions for little ones


1850 Douglas Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95661 


Sunrise Mall

Thursday Mornings at 10am

6041 Sunrise Mall

Citrus Heights, CA 95610


1689 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95815

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


There is nothing like family to keep you feeling connected to the world; they truly are the roots that teach us to remain grounded. These days we're enjoying our bonding moments (family time, scheduled in). The six year old is addicted to board games, which is indicative to his competitive personality. The seven year old, as much as he fights against taking swim lessons, has been pushing for more time in the pool. We're just thankful they still want to do things with us (we don't have cooties yet).


Summer vacation is off to an amazing start... Thank God!!!

Movie - The Croods

The other day we took time from our lives to stop and enjoy a movie. We ended up a little bit late, but caught the next viewing. Which ended up being a blessing of sorts. Even though I wanted to stay home and let the "boys" have daddy time I ran into a couple people.

The first person we ran into was a teacher that retired this year. We're hoping with all our hearts he has an enjoyable time and he and his wife create amazing memories. I was thankful I was able to get a picture of him and the kids because I missed that the last day of school. I teased the kids that they better be good because he is a lot like Santa and they never know when he'll see them. All in good fun...

On the way out of the store we ran into a woman I did volunteering with. I thought with her circumstances changing she'd be leaving. It warms my heart that I'll continue to see her. It has been kind of nice to build interactions with others and know I'll continue to see them.

Had I stayed home I would have missed both encounters... I am grateful I was forced to stop cleaning house and spend time with my kids as well.
It didn't take too long before we'd returned to the mall. The boys had already settled on watching "The Croods", and bought our tickets while late (previous to the store).
I think this is one that when it comes out on DVD it is well worth buying! We laughed, we cried, and it has a good underlining lesson worth repeating! It was worth going...


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Water Bottle

Our seven-year-old's classmate came to school with something new... water bottle that mists you ("Mist and Sip Bottle"). Our son had his heart on having exactly what his friend had. First I went to WalMart thinking those spray bottles that mist you. He explained to me that isn't what he was looking for. It is apparently a water bottle you can drink from but mists up like a volcano (and doesn't need batteries). I was confused...

I have never seen anything like it in my life!

It took going to five different stores before I finally found what he was talking about. First we went to Walmart, than Sports Authority, Target, Toys R Us, and finally Big 5 Sporting Goods. Each place was more than accommodating and tried to help us. I almost thought to go back, just in case others are like us (and they have many in the boys' school that shop in the same area), so they can be informed to tell others. I just didn't feel like driving back around to do an act of kindness.

I was excited for him that he was able to find exactly what he was looking for but started to wonder if it was the right thing to do. First of all it cost more in gas driving from place to place, he doesn't learn to wait for what he wants, and other aspects. I was talking with my husband and neither of us can remember a time in our childhoods where our parents did anything remotely like we do for our children. If my mom was going to the store that you wanted something you had to hope she remembered to get what you asked for. Unless it was a "needed" item she wasn't much of a shopper.

Water Bottle

Big 5 Sporting Goods

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend 2013

The weekend started off with a trip to the zoo. It was completely packed, with lines out to the street. I was grateful we have a membership and moved over to that line (much shorter, faster). We packed a lunch, enjoyed the animals, and had a great "family bonding experience". It was kind of nice sitting at the picnic tables, in the shade, and watching them in the play area. I'm sure it won't be much longer before they out grow this part of their lives. It was nice to sit back and just "be".


Here is an aspect of our weekend I was most happy with! We tried fajitas (made at home with Spanish Rice) and I think it was a "score"! ~*Mmm*~

With the sprinkles (slight rain) on Memorial Day, I took out the Smore Set...


We had another "First"... COMIC BOOKS!!!
We've been to a few stores, which call themselves comic books stores than just have figurines and trading cards. I think I have found our "fave spot" (or "sweet spot") when it comes to actual comic books!!! ~*Score*~
This place is absolutely amazing, whether you are looking for a specific item, or simply want the nostalgia of "Big Bang Theory". Personally, I collected comic books as a teenager, played RPG (still do virtual RPGing), and I would have popped a blood vessel if I didn't have perfect grades. However, comic books in a boy's life are a natural transition. Today kicked off their "firsts" in their soon to be collections...
I loved watching them devour the "first" of their collections in the car ride home. They neatly tucked them into their "special boxes" (reserved for prized things, and private from each other). I think I am going to treasure and appreciate this round of parenting.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Discovery Museum (Science and Space Center)

Last weekend we introduced our boys to the Discovery Museum! They have a Facebook page too... we now have a membership (added with our Sacramento Zoo membership, we let the Railroad Museum membership go)!


The boys walked around with a clipboard, which we loved because it forced them to visit and learn from each station. There are so many aspects that brought me back to my own childhood (in this same building). They got to dress up and pretend, interactive robot, live animal show, planetarium, and it made for a truly memorable day. I could not have asked for more.

We enjoyed watching our children interact with the exhibits. Hands on learning experiences not just on their own but also with staff. We are thankful for the learning experiences and chance to bond as a family. And let us not forget the adorable pictures of the boys. These will add to the memories we talk about with our future grandchildren. And my husband and I plan to be great as grandparents, which is why we practice new things with our children. Let's just hope they wait until after they are well established in careers before blessing us with the next generation...

In the meantime I am enjoying every moment we have with our AMAZING BOYS!!! Last night was "game night", they beat us with "Beat the Parents" (trivia game), than we all had Baskin Robins (ice cream). We love bonding with our boys.